Challenging yourself – travel is a testing ground to push you to your limits, getting outside your comfort zone, getting out of a rut in your daily life, craving for new experiences and challenges.

Learning – experience something unfamiliar and leave with new skills or knowledge gaining a sense of satisfaction, every destination has something unique and more educational than any high school or college class you have taken, awareness of new customs, cultures, people and places.

Magnified perspective – it helps open your mind, your world view isn’t the same as everyone else’s, consider fresh ideas, become a better-rounded person.

Self-reflection – time and space away from home gives the opportunity to reflect on your life, each day can bring new issues and opportunities, how to handle them provides insight on who you are or provide the perspective on how you want to make changes in your life.

Appreciate life – are you stuck in time and place and losing sight of what you have, visiting other places provide a fresh appreciation for your hometown and country, is there really no place like home.

Relationshipsthe shared experience of travel can strengthen important bonds, an opportunity to connect with each other, smooth over any family grudges, ignite fresh sparks for couples.  

Adventuressurprise invigorating encounters, an appetite for the unknown territory, things you can’t do at home, thrilling and spicy, real or imagined danger, the many stories you can share with others.  

Cut and run –  stress relief from a less than fabulous job, bad breakup, loss of a loved one, travel gives us what we don’t have back home (better weather and scenery, freedom of experiences, slower or faster pace) a break from the regular grind at home, the power to escape and heal.

Rejuvenating –
leave the 24/7 pressure of availability to others, disconnect, seek time for just yourself, reboot your life, at retirement time does anyone ever say “ I wish I had worked more” or “I wish I had spent more leisure time with family and friends”.

Celebrating – a happy reason for a trip, create lasting memories away from your hectic life at home.